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June 27, 2024

Who or What Is An Artist?

When asking the question, what or who is an artist, the definition is not well defined. 

The Oxford Learner's Dictionaries defines it;

a person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings and exhibition of work by contemporary young artists a graphic artist a makeup artist. Police have issued an artist's impression of her attacker. In Paris she met a group of young artists: poets, filmmakers and painters.(figurative) Whoever made this cake is a real artist.

a recording/solo artist

Creating art

  • make a work of art/​a drawing/​a sketch/​a sculpture/​a statue/​engravings/​etchings/​prints
  • do an oil painting/​a self-portrait/​a line drawing/​a rough sketch
  • create a work of art/​an artwork/​paintings and sculptures
  • produce paintings/​portraits/​oil sketches/​her most celebrated work/​a series of prints
  • paint a picture/​landscape/​portrait/​mural/​in oils/​in watercolours/(US English) in watercolors/​on canvas
  • draw a picture/​a portrait/​a cartoon/​a sketch/​a line/​a figure/​the human form/​in charcoal/​in ink
  • sketch a preliminary drawing/​a figure/​a shape
  • carve a figure/​an image/​a sculpture/​reliefs/​a block of wood
  • sculpt a portrait bust/​a statue/​an abstract figure
  • etch a line/​a pattern/​a design/​a name into the glass
  • mix colours/(US English) colors/​pigments/​paints
  • add/​apply thin/​thick layers of paint/​colour/(US English) color/​pigment
  • use oil pastels/​charcoal/​acrylic paint/​a can of spray paint
  • work in bronze/​ceramics/​stone/​oils/​pastels/​watercolour/​a wide variety of media

Describing art

  • paint/​depict a female figure/​a rural scene/​a pastoral landscape/​a domestic interior
  • depict/​illustrate a traditional/​mythological/​historical/​religious theme
  • create an abstract composition/​a richly textured surface/​a distorted perspective
  • paint dark/​rich/​skin/​flesh tones
  • use broad brush strokes/​loose brushwork/​vibrant colours/​a limited palette/​simple geometric forms
  • develop/​adopt/​paint in a stylized manner/​an abstract style

Showing and selling art

  • commission a new piece/​a bronze bust of somebody/​a portrait/​a religious work/​an artist to paint something
  • frame a painting/​portrait
  • hang art/​a picture/​a painting
  • display/​exhibit modern art/​somebody’s work/​a collection/​original artwork/​drawings/​sculptures/​a piece/​a painting
  • be displayed/​hung in a gallery/​museum
  • install/​place a sculpture in/​at/​on something
  • erect/​unveil a bronze/​marble/​life-size statue
  • hold/​host/​mount/​open/​curate/​see an exhibition (especially British English)/(North American English usually) an exhibit
  • be/​go on (British English) exhibition/(North American English) exhibit
  • feature/​promote/​showcase a conceptual artist/​contemporary works
  • collect contemporary art/​modern British paintings/​Japanese prints
  • restore/​preserve a fresco/​great works of art

The Cambridge Dictionary an Artist as:

Creating art

  • make a work of art/​a drawing/​a sketch/​a sculpture/​a statue/​engravings/​etchings/​prints
  • do an oil painting/​a self-portrait/​a line drawing/​a rough sketch
  • create a work of art/​an artwork/​paintings and sculptures
  • produce paintings/​portraits/​oil sketches/​her most celebrated work/​a series of prints
  • paint a picture/​landscape/​portrait/​mural/​in oils/​in watercolours/(US English) in watercolors/​on canvas
  • draw a picture/​a portrait/​a cartoon/​a sketch/​a line/​a figure/​the human form/​in charcoal/​in ink
  • sketch a preliminary drawing/​a figure/​a shape
  • carve a figure/​an image/​a sculpture/​reliefs/​a block of wood
  • sculpt a portrait bust/​a statue/​an abstract figure
  • etch a line/​a pattern/​a design/​a name into the glass
  • mix colours/(US English) colors/​pigments/​paints
  • add/​apply thin/​thick layers of paint/​colour/(US English) color/​pigment
  • use oil pastels/​charcoal/​acrylic paint/​a can of spray paint
  • work in bronze/​ceramics/​stone/​oils/​pastels/​watercolour/​a wide variety of media

Describing art

  • paint/​depict a female figure/​a rural scene/​a pastoral landscape/​a domestic interior
  • depict/​illustrate a traditional/​mythological/​historical/​religious theme
  • create an abstract composition/​a richly textured surface/​a distorted perspective
  • paint dark/​rich/​skin/​flesh tones
  • use broad brush strokes/​loose brushwork/​vibrant colours/​a limited palette/​simple geometric forms
  • develop/​adopt/​paint in a stylized manner/​an abstract style


At the Artistic Exchange Podcast, we define an artist not by commercial success or professional accolades, but by the passion and heart put into their creations.

Our platform celebrates artists from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, including street art, glassmaking, ceramics, yarn crafting, painting (so many variations), tattoo artists, sculpture, sand art, ice sculptures, makeup artists, pastry chefs, AI graphic designers, and honestly there are so many, I hope you can start to see just a glimpse of the types of guests, who will be sharing their challenges, inspirations, and triumphs helps demystify the artistic process and illuminates the personal value of art. It’s about connecting with others who share your passion and influencing future generations of creators.

We hope you will tune in and leave comments if their story resonates with you, please be sure to like the episode and leave comments.  This will mean more to the artist than you can imagine!